KBR joins OCLC and adds records to WorldCat to increase visibility of collection

KBR will add millions of records of Belgian publications to OCLC.

KBR is adding millions of bibliographic records to WorldCat, a move that will gain more visibility for the library’s collection and provide more opportunities for cooperation among OCLC’s network of libraries worldwide.

KBR is adding metadata from all its Belgian publications to WorldCat, a collection of more than 8 million cultural and historical documents.

« KBR hopes that researchers, students, and those interested in culture will find their way to KBR’s collections and feel welcome. We also feel welcome at OCLC and look forward to a fruitful cooperation. » — Sophie Vandepontseele, Director of Contemporary Collections at KBR

WorldCat is the most comprehensive global network of data about library collections and services. For more than 50 years, OCLC metadata experts, libraries, content providers and others have contributed, enhanced, improved, and shared bibliographic data to connect cultural and scholarly resources in libraries worldwide. Metadata from the KBR collection will be enriched and improved cooperatively with OCLC staff and member libraries.

KBR collections will also be visible through WorldCat.org, the freely accessible website where anyone can search the collections of thousands of libraries, as well as through WorldCat.org partner sites.

« We’re proud to welcome the Royal Library of Belgium as an OCLC member library. The KBR collection will enrich WorldCat and elevate the visibility of these important works, and OCLC will enrich these records to improve discoverability. Scholars and researchers worldwide will benefit from this partnership. » — Eric van Lubeek, vice-président dOCLC, Global Library Services, et directeur général de EMEA & APAC

À propos de KBR

KBR is the national scientific library. It collects all Belgian publications and preserves, manages and studies an extensive cultural and historical heritage. It provides the public with access to information, facilitates research and offers a broad cultural experience.

About OCLC

OCLC is a nonprofit global library organization that provides shared technology services, original research, and community programs so that libraries can better fuel learning, research, and innovation. Through OCLC, member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCat, the most comprehensive global network of data about library collections and services.

Rebecca Thierfeldt

Persverantwoordelijke, KBR






About KBR

The Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) is the national scientific library. It collects all Belgian publications and preserves, manages and studies an extensive cultural and historical heritage. It provides the public with access to information, facilitates research and offers a broad cultural experience.


Mont des Arts 28 1000 Brussels

+32 (0)2 519 53 11

